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Puppies Life With Us

Getting our puppies off to a good start and on the right paw, raising them in our home, being well socialised in our family environment, exposed to the noises of a normal home together with our commitment and dedication and many sleepless nights in the early days from all of us gives them a wonderful start to their life.  Our puppies are regularly handed as we continue to do Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS) on all our pups, stimulating the neurological system which improves the growth and development of the pup’s immune system, cardiovascular system, and stress tolerance. 
We also strive to toilet train and crate train, part of their daily routine is to provide enrichment and interactive toys when they are at this physical capability level. When we have the warmer weather, we can expose them to the swimming pool and sprinkler.



The first 48 hours we are intensively monitoring and nursing to eliminate risk factors and ensuring their adequate intake of colostrum within the first 12 hours, each puppy is clearly identified with a coloured collar and making our daily weigh ins at ease.  Puppies eat and sleep around the clock during the first 2 weeks.  They are born blind, their eyelids are closed. They are also born deaf, with their ear canal closed, they start to squint and open their eyes to the world of light at about 10 days, they are capable of detecting some colours within the blue and yellow range of the light spectrum.


Their hearing starts to develop at around 10-14 days when we can see them starting to respond to noises, their hearing is about 4 x better than humans. They have around 18 muscles in their ears that can tilt, rotate, raise and lower. Upright ears tend to have superior hearing compared to dogs with floppy ears. At 21-35 days after birth their teeth will start to erupt.


Puppies cannot regulate their own body temperature when they are born, which in the first week is 35°-36°, it is maintained by their mothers warmth, and snuggling up with other litter mates and heat mats we provide. They are unable to shiver, a mechanism for producing extra body heat. If their body temperature drops below 34° they loose their digestion ability and if their temperature drops below 32° they loose their sucking reflex, when they are hypothermic they cannot digest anymore. Their environmental temperature and humidity is critical.

By the second week their temperature is 36°-38° and at 3 weeks their body temperature is 38°-39° equal to an adult, and they can now maintain their own.


When puppies are born their pelvis is made up of 4 bones which are not fully developed as yet, they continue to develop during the first 3 months of life and fuse together at about 12 weeks of age. Healthy newborn puppies have good muscle tone, feeling firm and plump and wiggle vigorously when handled.

When newborn puppies are sleeping there is continuous twitching, jerking, stretching etc this is important for the development of their neuromuscular system, they show this activated sleep for about 75% of their sleeping hours.


Early Neurological Stimulation

Some methods discovered have produced long lasting effects using ways of stimulation to improve their natural abilities and early life time by being responsive to a type of stimuli, without causing too much stress or being too intense.

Showing stimulation and interaction during early development, pups where more able to cope, adjust and later adapt into various environments and households as adults. The U.S Military in their canine program developed this method and still uses as a guide to what works to improve the performance of dogs, becoming known now to us as the "Super Dog" program. Between days 3-16 is the first window of time due to the period of rapid neurological growth and development giving them a superior advantage. It utilises 5 exercises once per day for 3-4 seconds on each pup.

1. Tactical stimulation (between toes) 2. Head held erect 3. Head pointed down 4. Supine position (laying on their back, face upwards) 5. Thermal stimulation (laying tummy down) on a damp cool cloth.

From 6 Weeks

Puppies will have 28 teeth. Permanent Canine teeth come in around 5 months of age. The last permanent teeth to come in will be the back molars, those come in between 5 and 7 months of age.


Our pups are fed on high-quality feed, its all about the balance. Crucial monitoring with repeated measurements of daily recording individual weight charts, tracking their growth rate from birth to the pups transition of the weaning process from milk to solids. As their digestive tract is still maturing, we feed small meals frequently, decreasing the work load on their digestive system.

We feed for nutrition, not just a full tummy providing optimal growth whilst maintaining optimal weight.


We assess their temperament and personality to ensure we can match each puppy to the most suitable home being prevalent at the stage of 7 weeks of age when the puppy is neurologically complete and it has the brain of an adult dog.

Our puppy visits are arranged  at 7 weeks, so the time spent with the families and the puppies allows the opportunity for valuable interaction and time spent for questions and answers. They will have already had the first vaccination by this stage making it safer for visits.


Did You Know...


Canine skin renews itself every 20 days.



Dogs have around 1700 taste buds on their tongue while humans have around 9000 taste buds on our tongues.


Nose and Scent

They love to sniff, they can sniff at the same time as breathing, it's a very natural enriching behaviour. Sniffing is a major component of greeting behaviour and provides them with information about the dog's sex, age and emotional state. They use of several types of odours for communication, urine, anal glands and body odour. Humans have only around 5 million scent receptors in our noses, but some breeds have over 100 million.


Dogs don't sweat

Dogs don't sweat, they pant to cool down, so keep your dog cool on hot days to make it easier on them. But...panting doesn't always mean they are hot, it could be a sign they are stressed.

Golden Retriever Litter of Puppies AnnieGold MatildaGoldies
Golden Retriever Litter of Puppies AnnieGold MatildaGoldies
Golden Retriever Puppy AnnieGold MatildaGoldies
Golden Retriever Puppy AnnieGold MatildaGoldies



4 Types Of Enrichment Explained


Enrichment means the act of making fuller or more meaningful or rewarding, it's about making a dog's life more interesting by increasing mental and physical stimulation by introducing novel and interesting elements into their environment to keep them occupied and brain stimulated to prevent boredom and undesirable behaviour.


Remember to take into account the treats you are using for training etc, to take this out of their daily ration, use meal time as well for opportunities to get the training in.



Food dispensing toys, snuffle pads, likimats, raw bones, hard chews are great for making them work longer and harder for their meal. The way in the wild was hunting and searching for hours finding food, our dogs at home only take seconds or minutes to eat, leaving them lots of spare time. Hiding or scattering food around stimulating their natural technique for foraging and exercise. When a dog licks a likimat, it releases endorphin’s and dopamine into their brain, making them feel good and helps with anxiety, any distractions and providing mental stimulation. 



Interacting/contact with humans and other animals, including walking, lots of cuddles and pats, grooming or doggy day care. This can make dogs more comfortable and less stressed by spending some time socialising with other compatible dogs.



Give them a job to do which will be mentally and physically challenging for them. Training sessions, food puzzles and to teach them to catch food are all great examples of challenges.



Frisbee, toys to rotate, indoor games like hide and seek, tug, wading pool filled with water or can also fill with coloured balls and hide treats amongst the balls. This eliminates boredom, preventing behaviour problems, provides mental stimulation and enjoyment, exercise such as fetch and using equipment like tunnels, hoops and ramps, weave through legs or poles, rollover, and on your mat will all keep your dog fit.


+ Relax Time

Remember they need to learn to have free time to rest and relax as well, we don't like constant stimulation so give them the opportunity for downtime, it allows for them to better perform, promoting their mental and physical well being when they can relax and think for themselves.


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